Building a Digital Government with Victor Dominello MP

Episode #44

Digital transformation is rapidly changing the way we live and work, and governments should be leading the way forward, according to Victor Dominello MP.

As the Minister for Digital and Minister for Customer Service in the State Government of New South Wales in Australia, Victor believes government should be playing a central role in fostering a digitally-enabled economy across government, private enterprise and individual consumers.

Victor is a true servant leader and an inspirational figure in Australian politics, having served almost 15 years in the State Parliament of New South Wales, and 12 of those as a Minister. He has spent this time turning his vision for data and digital enablement into reality across a large number of ministries and government agencies.

In this episode we discuss:

  • How Victor went from reluctant politician to long-serving minister and the sign from above that made him enter politics
  • What the Digital Government is and how it will help change our lives for the better
  • Government’s role in digitising small businesses
  • Imminent initiatives to protect consumers against identity theft and cyber attacks
  • What true servant leadership and customer service looks like
  • How to provide leadership and collaboration across a complex web of government entities
  • The biggest leadership lessons Victor has learned as a top politician and executive leader, and much more.

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