The Future of Analytics Leadership with John Thompson

Episode #32

It’s no secret that data and analytics can be used to create a competitive advantage for almost any modern business.

In fact, the customer data you capture in the course of doing business is one of the strongest differentiators between you and the competition.

So, how do we build an organisation that is capable of both producing and consuming truly differentiating data products?

It’s not enough to just have a great analytics team that is capable of producing high quality work. We also need an organisation that is able to consume this output, however advanced it might be.

Back by popular demand, analytics executive and author of ‘Building Analytics Teams’ John Thompson is returning to Leaders of Analytics to talk about the future of analytics leadership.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Where analytics teams should sit in the organisational structure
  • The typical mistakes businesses make when designing analytics teams and embedding them in the organisation
  • How we plant the seed of advanced analytics and build a data-driven culture
  • How we select and prioritise the right data and analytics projects to work on
  • The main purpose and remit of a Chief Data & Analytics Officer
  • What the perfect data-driven organisation looks like, and much more.

John on LinkedIn:

John's book 'Building Analytics Teams':

Defensive vs. offensive data & analytics: