Making Data Usable with a Universal Semantic Layer Featuring David P Mariani

Episode #21

Data is everywhere, but do we know what it means?

A common problem for many enterprises wanting to adopt cutting edge, data-driven solutions is that they have a ton of legacy applications interlinking with more modern tech stacks.

If the organisation is large or complex enough, it typically becomes unrealistic for any one individual to understand how it all hangs together.

All of these applications generate data points with their own definitions, meaning and naming conventions.

How do organisations like these set themselves up for success in a data-driven world, technically and culturally?

How can we create a consistent and holistic view of our data that can be used equally by technologists, analysts and business users?

To answer these questions, I recently spoke to David P. Mariani who is the founder and Chief Technology Officer of AtScale. Dave is an incredibly talented technology executive and entrepreneur with more than $800 million worth of company exits on his resume.

In this episode of Leaders of Analytics, we discuss:

  • How to create successful technology companies from scratch
  • What David learned during his time at Yahoo! that made him start AtScale
  • What a semantic layer is and what it does for your organisation
  • What David’s utopian technology stack would look like and why
  • David’s vision for how data-driven organisations will function in the future
  • How a universal semantic layer fits into this future, and much more.

David's LinkedIn:

AtScale's company website (lots of great content on here):